Super easy to use! Makes wicking almost fool-proof
This eliminates the user deciding the amount of cotton to use, which is something that can take time to learn. If it isn't correct, it diminishes the flavor. All you have to do is cut it the correct length for the atomizer you're using. I was surprised to read reviews saying there is too much cotton for 3mm coils. You should wick your coils tightly for best performance and flavor. It definitely isn't too much!! I suggest they don't remove any cotton next time, and enjoy the improved performance of properly wicked coils! You only need to thin the ends then cut them so they just reach the juice well. The cotton will last longer before needing to be changed, and the flavor will be better too. I've been vaping since 2010 and using nothing but rebuildables since 2014. During that time I've tried every way possible to wick, and could do it blindfolded. If the cotton isn't tight going into the coils, you're not using enough! I still prefer Cotton Bacon Prime though...